Zagreb STC #12 report

Yesterday we had our testers meet up in ZIP, Zagreb incubator for startups. Little bit about Zagreb startup scene. In short, things are improving. There is now third generation of startups in there, and community of project partners is growing.
Our initial agenda, that is described here, was changed. Everybody from testing community is talking these days that context matters, so we acted on it. The reason was following. We started with Google hangout, on the other side was Zeljko in San Francisco. He is doing some cool testing  on Wikimedia international support. Tools that are involved are watir-webdriver and Sikuli. But be patient, Zeljko will very soon write about it on his blog.
When some members of ZIP herd that we were talking about browser automation, they immediately joined because they had a lot of questions about the topic. They are starting to use browser scripted testing.
After hangout, we continued discussion about the browser automation, and they were happy about it. I found out about new way of recruiting new developers, using REST API .
What is bothering  me is that only two testers showed up (including me). After two years of testers meet ups, Zagreb STC community is loosing its momentum. So fellow testers, please help with advice how to keep going. It seems that free beer and pizza are not enough.

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