WTA-42 experience report

Last Saturday I participated in 42nd Weekend Testing Americas session. I decided to participate because of two factors: I have read a number of previous WTA Skype chat session reports and found them very valuable, and I finally managed to organise my Saturday schedule around the WTA session. I will provide my experience report about how I managed in weekend testing concept. For communication we used Skype text chat conversation. Eight testers were involved, facilitator was JeanAnn Harrison. After introduction I got very excited about the upcoming discussion, because we got members of Miagi-Do testing school, BBST instructors and Rapid Software Testing participants. I am also RST participant, but I have never got a chance to talk with some of BBST or Miagi-Do member. I was right to be excited, because conversation was great. Here is chat transcript. My takeaway from WTA-42 session is cooperation experience with other testers. I had my ideas about risk in mobile software, but I got a lot more ideas when I read thoughts of other participants. Challenge was to keep track of chat messages, because while I was typing my own ideas, at least ten more messages were put into the chat stream. I made me to think "fast" and to put my ideas immediately into chat stream, not giving me a chance to hesitate (which was good).
I would like to thank JeanAnn for facilitating this session, and Michael Larsen that is co-founder of WTA.  I recommend Weekend Testing America session to every tester that wants to improve its testing craft.
