ZagrebSTC #8 Meetup report

We held Zagreb Software Testing Club Meetup #8. Eleven testers were present, and as usual, we had interesting topics on software testing. We started our discussion about challenges in testing Facebook applications. When you develop Facebook application, you have to solve several issues. For example, how to create 
Facebook test user account that has more than 1000 friends? We found out about FQL, or in plain English, Facebook query language. Developers of Facebook application can get various data about users that gave permission to their application. Question arose should tester know full Facebook application feature flow in order to properly test the application. And Dario Matacun said one very clever tester magic:
"""Tester must only know final application state, how to get there is their business."""  
Zeljko Filipin talked about MediaWiki testing events. If you are interested feel free to attend them, because they represent great opportunity to learn new stuff about software testing.
We also had brief report about ISTQB Foundation certification. There is preparation book, and reading it is enough to pass the exam. There is 40 multiply selection questions. There is one question: "Please select among ALL right answers the most right answer". This question advocates my opinion that ISTQB certification is waste of money.

We found out that we have different educational background:

Dino from Infinum talked about automation testing tools for mobile platforms.
Frank is Cucumber implementation for iOS applications. iOS simulator is much faster than Android emulator. Reason for that is because iOS application code is compiled directly into simulator.
Robotium is for now the best solution for automated testing of Android applications. The biggest problem is slow Android emulator. I previously found blog post how to speed up Android emulator.
Great discussions, two new members from iStudio, we learned new information about Facebook application testing, Zagreb STC is heading full speed ahead in the new year!
